Girls Camera Club, Bristol,
June 2022 - Present
︎ Logo design
︎ Website design
︎ Social media content
︎ Exhibition branding
Branding pack for Girls Camera Club to feature on social media, posters and flyers as marketing for an exhibition at Strange Brew in October 2022.
- The collective needed different assets for marketing the exhibition. I created a pack that could be used in print and digital forms. This included stickers, posters, flyers, social media graphics and a website.
Charlotte Knowles,
January 2021 - April 2021
︎ Logo design
︎ Website design
︎ Social media content
︎ Exhibition branding
Branding pack for a marketing campaign including social media content, GIFS, model casting, photography and website design.
- The campaign casts four models who feel unrepresented in mainstream fashion media. The campaign hopes to connect with a wider demographic than the brands current market.
The Gaddesden Diary, Digital Exhibiton,
April 2021
︎ 360 degree photography
︎ Medium Format Photography
︎ Website creation and design
︎ Graphic design
Design for an interactive 360 degree website for use with VR headsets and desktops. The images are built to sit within the 360 backgrounds and the user can virtually walk through the exhibition with their cursor.
- I collaborated with a website developer to create this exhibition. The 360 degree backgrounds were taken on a GoPro and embedded into the site.